Sunday, January 22, 2006

What motivates you?

I would love to hear what motivates you in your business? Tell me what company you represent too. Let me know by leaving a comment on this post.

Here's mine:

I am a Creative Memories Consultant I am motivated by the products. They are so high quality and the products all go together so perfectly. The company keeps coming up with such great stuff. Especially the organizers and the new album that is coming next month is fabulous!

I want to sell more so I can buy more! LOL.

Plus, I do it for my kids and my family. The albums I make for us are sometimes Sometimes just plain and simple with pictures and writing only. Sometimes they are lavish with stickers and borders. But, the writing is the most important part. The more we can write about our famiy's life the more we can relive the happy times and even the sad ones too.

That's what motivates me to be a Creative Memories Consultant for life! Is that something you would like in your life? If you'd like to know more then you can visit my website and send me an e-mail
Shannon Webb
Moms Motivate Moms

Today's Motivational Qoute

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."
- Francis Bacon

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Be persistant!

Be persistant with the actions and steps you need to take to achieve your goal.

If you fail. Try again. Don't give up after the first or second try.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessfulpeople with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone a reomnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. -- Calvin Coolidge

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Reaching Goals in Direct Sales

Reaching Goals in Direct Sales
By: Kara Kelso

From surveys and experience, we've noticed many setting excellent goals for their business. We've also noticed that while the goals being set are good, the results aren't. Around 90% of those in Direct Sales do SET goals, but never reach them.

So the question comes to mind.....are you making the right plans to reach your goals? It's GREAT to set a certain amount you want to make, so you have a little motivation, but without the proper planning reaching that goal is going to be more difficult.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What have you done in the past that created sales? How can you improve on ideas for creating sales? What ideas for sales have you seen but not tried?

Take a minute to write down every way you can think of to make your sales (such as through parties, catalog shows, drawings, etc), then make some more specific goals for doing each task. Such as "contact 10 people and book at least 3 shows".

Once you have a plan in motion, be sure to stick with it! A dream won't become reality if you are just simply wishing for it.

If you have an idea of how to get to your goal, well that's half the battle. The next part of course is taking action. You should have your goals AND plans clearly written in a place you can see. It's true everyone has their own way of setting and reaching goals, which is fine, but everyone needs to have them BOTH written down in some way.

If you don't have a goal or even a plan, now is a perfect time to start!

Article by:
About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers - . For more Direct Sales Success Tips, visit:
This article is available for reprint with author's resource box intact and all links active. Copyright is reserved by author.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Positive Affirmations

Did you know motivation can come from learning to believe positive affirmations. I believe saying affirmations to yourself every day can really change the way you think therefore replacing the negative thoughts. These negative thoughts can cause fear. This fear can cause you to not take action or to lack the motivativation to accomplish your goal. After all you may think why bother I won't be able to reach that goal anyway. So, that's why I wanted to share this great 7 day course with you. Because I do want you to accomplish your goals. I believe this course can help you in accomplishing that goal.

Whatever your goals in life, the FREE "7 Part Affirmation Course" from AffirmWare can help you reach them.

Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool for manifesting desires. In fact, people from all walks of life -- from Personal Development coaches and sales professionals, to religious leaders and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
And this FREE course is packed with practical suggestions to get you started. Just some of the valuable things you'll learn are:

* How Affirmations Work
* The Affirmation Practice
* Writing Affirmations
* Visualizations
* Sample Affirmations
* Affirmations Not Working, Why?
* Removing Blockages

The "7 Part Affirmation Course" covers these powerful, goal-achieving, life-changing strategies in clear, no-nonsense English anyone can understand. Plus it gives dozens of pointers to help you achieve your goals. And if you're new to affirmations, the course takes you through a step-by-step "correct elements" checklist for ensuring maximum effectiveness.

The "7 part Affirmation Course" comes to you with no obligation. It's simply a way of introducing you to AffirmWare. Click the link below to download your FREE copy of the course today.

Click here Now =-> 7 Part Affirmation Course

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Vote for Confidence

by: Ginger Marks

Recently I organized a promotional photo contest. Among the selections an image was titled ‘Confidence'. Overwhelmingly that photograph was chosen and ultimately became the winner. This made me stop and think about how most of us are influenced by the air of confidence.

Look around you; think about it. What is it that makes you want to emulate someone else? More than likely you are drawn to people who project confidence. Would you apply the principles gained at a conference or training session if the spokesperson didn't impress you? When you attend a function is it the individual that meekly offers their hand to you that you wish to befriend or do you seek out the recognized leaders in the group? Of course, you should introduce yourself to all types of people, but how do you draw them to you? Confidence is the key!

How do you reach the point where you too possess the confidence that causes others to actively seek you out? There is a fine line between success and mediocrity and confidence can serve to bridge that gap.

So how do you develop your confidence? Knowing everything about your product or service certainly helps, but waiting until you ‘know it all' can cost you valuable business building time. Begin with the basics. Practice. Yes the simple act of standing in front of a mirror and practicing what you want to say will allow you to improve your speaking ability.

Alternately, if you happen not to "know everything about your product or service" an excellent option is to show a sincere interest in the other person's area of expertise. This will typically serve as a great icebreaker and make them more comfortable and sympathetic to your points when you get around to them.

Once you are comfortable with what you have to say it is time to begin looking in the mirror at how you present yourself. Take a good look. Is the person looking back at you someone you would like to get to know? How are you standing? Are you standing up straight and tall or are you just standing there looking back at yourself? Pull those shoulders back, think and act positively.

You have certainly heard it said, ‘Dress for success'. The style you dress in can either enhance your feeling of confidence or it can detract from it. When you wear clothes that are wrinkled and the wrong size you tell the world you are lazy, unsure of yourself and generally to be avoided. However, just the opposite is true of the individual that is well dressed, neatly pressed and groomed. You don't have to wear Armani suits or fine jewelry, just dress in a neat, clean, attractive fashion. Ladies, that mini-skirt or suit that is just the teensiest small in the obvious places is not the way to portray your winning personality. Some of the best dressed women I have ever seen were office assistants in Santiago, the capital of Chile. None of them had much money nor were they dressed in expensive clothes, but they all fit trim figures into tastefully chosen clothes. After 30 years I still remember them.

Now that you have the posture and the right outfit you need to look at your unspoken language. Body language is the subtle art of communicating without speaking. What is your body language communicating to others? Are you telling them with the look in your eye or the way your posture that you are worth knowing? If not, I have a couple of simple suggestions for you.

Always look the person you are speaking to directly in the eyes. This tells them that you believe in what you are saying and that you respect them.

Another skill you might develop is the ability to create a connection by the simple act of conforming posture. As an illustration; if the person you desire to speak with is sitting with their right leg over their left, you do exactly the same. Allow them to become comfortable in that position and then ever so subtly switch your position. If they follow suit they are unconsciously bringing themselves into agreement with you. If they don't, switch back to their position and try again.

There are numerous reference materials on the art of body language. I urge you to incorporate at least a few of these methods into your daily communication.

These simple practices will aid you in developing the confidence you desire. An air of confidence is not something that most of us are born with. It is a talent that successful people have learned and skillfuly utilize every day. Practice and begin developing your confidence with these simple techniques; then, go forth and win friends and influence people!

© Copyright 2005 Ginger Marks

Additional self-help articles can be found at

Ginger Marks is the founder of DocUmeant, Your writing assistant. For more information, visit her website at She is also the Copy Editor for Ladies First Magazine,

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines, URL and copyright are included. Please send a copy of the publication to

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